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PA Link to Aging and Disability Resources

Posted on January 22nd, 2014 at 4:58 PM

Mission Statement

To improve access to long-term care supports through an integrated network of partners committed to expanding the use of community-based solutions, promoting consumer directed decision-making, and enhancing efficiency and quality of service.
What is the PA Link to Aging and Disability Resources?

Aging and Disability Resource Centers (ADRC) are a nationwide effort to take a seamless approach in the way we assist seniors and adults with disabilities who need help with activities of daily living. The ADRC in Pennsylvania is known as the Link.

While the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has put several existing agencies, including the administration on Aging, the Office on Disability, and the Administration on Developmental Disabilities into a new Administration on Community Living to help dependent adults receive care while remaining in their communities, Pennsylvania has established 52 Links that cover all 67 counties to improve access to long-term care supports through an integrated network of local partners committed to expanding the use of community-based solutions, promoting consumer directed decision making, and improving quality of services regardless of age, physical/developmental disability, or ability to pay.

Because of PA Link collaborations, partner agencies are more efficiently and effectively assisting individuals to navigate a complex system of federal, state and local programs, offering more local community living support options, reducing fragmentation, duplication, and inconsistencies, responding to a full spectrum of needs of seniors and adults with disabilities while promoting better health at reduced costs through Link cross trainings and information sharing.

How can the Link assist you and/or your family?

  • Easily connect consumers to local services/supports through any Link partner agency
  • Explore existing options to ensure a secure plan for independence
  • Assist consumers with applications to determine funding eligibility
  • Help consumers remain or return to their community because of a disability, an illness or accident, or to transition from an institution back to the community

It is best to reach your local Link through any of the core partners, such as your local Area Agency on Aging (AAA) or your local Center for Independent Living (CIL). That contact information is listed below. You may also call the PA Link to Aging and Disability Resource Center toll free at 1-866-286-3636
There is no charge for information and assistance provided by any Link or Link partner agency.

To view contact information for all of the PA Links, click here

To visit the ADRC homepage, go to




SCU values their employees with a generous time off package. You can qualify for a quarterly bonus and many appreciation bonuses are given throughout the year. The work itself is rewarding due to the fact you are helping people live a more independent life.   

– Linda