PA Bulletin: Notice, Proposed Healthy PA Medicaid reforms and private coverage option
Proposed Healthy Pennsylvania Medicaid Reforms and Private Coverage Option—Improving Health Care for Pennsylvania; Federal Medicaid Section 1115 Application and State Plan Amendments
[43 Pa.B. 7186]
[Saturday, December 7, 2013]
Healthy Pennsylvania is Governor Tom Corbett's plan to ensure that Pennsylvanians have increased access to quality, affordable health care. The Healthy Pennsylvania plan focuses on three key priorities: improving access; ensuring quality; and providing affordability. It is built upon common sense reforms that provide coverage options to this Commonwealth's most vulnerable citizens in a flexible and sustainable way that protects taxpayers. The Medicaid reforms and the Private Coverage Option encompassed in the Healthy Pennsylvania plan will:
1. Increase health care access for more than 500,000 Pennsylvanians.
2. Promote healthy behaviors, improve health outcomes and increase personal responsibility.
3. Ensure that benefits match health care needs.
4. Implement a strategy for sustainability by aligning the current Medicaid program with private coverage.
Click the link below to see the full notice: