If you are struggling to keep up with the cost of heating your house during the winter months, then Pennsylvania’s Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program, also known as LIHEAP, is a resource worth learning about.
LIHEAP provides help in the form of a cash grant- the money is sent directly to your utility company. Households in immediate danger of losing heat may additionally qualify for a crisis grant. Emergencies that would qualify a household for additional funding include:
- Broken heating equipment or leaking lines that must be fixed or replaced
- Lack of fuel
- The main heating source or second heating source (a source that is used to operate the main heating source or used if the main heating source is not working) has been completely shut-off
- Danger of being without fuel (less than a 15 day supply) or of having utility service terminated (received a notice that service will be shut off within the next 60 days)
If you are interested in applying for LIHEAP, contact your local County Assistance Office (CAO) to submit an electronic application through COMPASS.