SCU — Mission, Vision & History

Our Mission

As we strive for a full and inclusive community, our mission is to provide the highest quality services by empowering all people in their pursuit of independence and interdependence.

Our Vision

We envision a world where all persons of varying abilities and ages are accepted and their potentials are fully realized.

Our History

Service Coordination Unlimited, Inc. (SCU) was founded in December 2012 as a result of a mandate from the Department of Public Welfare to ensure that organizations offer conflict-free service coordination programs and interactions between service providers and service coordinators.


Originally operating as part of the Attendant Care Program at Community Living and Support Services (CLASS) since 1997, SCU was formed in order to continue supporting over 1,000 men and women with no break in services.  While a new organization, the commitment of SCU remains the same.  SCU is a free-standing, fully autonomous nonprofit organization dedicated to offering the highest quality service coordination and supports coordination in the state of Pennsylvania.


SCU has merged with two other service coordination organizations, Supports Coordination Northwest Pennsylvania (April 2018) and Service Coordination Resources (July 2019).  With these mergers, we are stronger and bring a wealth of experience and knowledge to better serve individuals across the state.



At SCU, we practice the philosopy of the Disability Rights Movement.

You have the right to be treated at all times with courtesy and respect andwith full recognition of your dignity and individuality.





I am able to live in my house and have my mother take care of me because of Service Coordination Unlimited.
– Haley