Intellectual and Developmental Disability Waiver Enrollment in Pennsylvania

The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) oversees the intellectual and developmental disability services in Pennsylvania. The local County MH/ID Programs' role is to verify eligibility for intellectual disability services through ODP.


Eligibility for services requires a diagnosis of intellectual disability based on the results of objective standardized testing. An intellectual disability is a permanent condition that affects a person's ability to learn and function in daily life that occurs during the developmental period. A diagnosis of an intellectual disability requires that both a person's general intelligence and ability to function in daily life are significantly below average. These two conditions may be present at birth or occur in the developmental period defined as prior to the person's 22nd birthday.


For more information, you can call ODP’s customer line at1-888-565-9435 or by contacting their local County Mental Health/Intellectual Disabilities (MH/ID) Program Office.  For additional information regarding where your county office is located, please call us.


If you are not registered with the County Office of Mental Health and Intellectual Disabilities (MH/ID), you need to call the office and make an appointment to register for supports or services.


Take documents to the appointment that will help establish that you are eligible for services through the intellectual disabilities system. Some examples are medical, psychological and school records. The County Office of Intellectual Disabilities will then determine if you are eligible for services.


If you are found eligible to receive services and are requesting services now or in the future, you will receive supports coordination. You should have a choice of any available Supports Coordinators and you should be able to meet with them before making your choice. If you do not wish to choose your Supports Coordinator, the county can assign one to you.


When working with a Support Coordinator (SC), they will assist in the coordination of needed services. The individual will be able to educate the participant/family regarding resources available within the community and coordinate the services that would be most helpful. The Supports Coordination may also assist in enrolling for additional services as well. You will meet with the SC on a regular basis and that person will also monitor your supports and services, advocating as necessary for the participant/family. 

The Regional Program Manager of the Office of Developmental Programs are listed as follows: 

Northeast Regional Office: 570-963-4749

Southeast Regional Office: 215-560-2245

Central Regional Office: 717-772-6507

Western Regional Office: 412-565-5144


Office of Developmental Programs

Telephone number: 717-787-3700

Toll-Free telephone number: 1-888-565-9435

Toll-Free telephone number for Hearing Impaired (only): 1-866-388-1114


Contact SCU

Name: *
Email Address: *
Pennsylvania County :
Program Selection :
Message: *



Waivers, Programs & Services








I am able to live in my house and have my mother take care of me because of Service Coordination Unlimited.
– Haley