SCU Service / Supports Coordinators Help You

What is a Service / Supports Coordinator?

Our service coordinators and supports coordinators at SCU have the experience and the knowledge of resources and they are committed to helping our participants live independently and continue to play an active role in their communities.  We promote the mission of the  Department of Human Services and share in its vision for all Pennsylvanians to live safe, healthy, independent, and meaningful lives. 


How can a SCU Service / Supports Coordinator help you?

They will support your independent living goals by:

  • assessing your strengths, needs and desires to connect you to services that enhance your independence.
  • using a person-centered approach to determine what services are best for you.
  • navigating the processes to get you the services that matter most to you.
  • accessing supports in the community and locating service providers to help you get your maximum benefits.
  • linking you and your family to additional funding sources and government agencies.
  • keeping you updated when new benefits become available.
  • monitoring your waiver services and advocating for your needs.


What does this mean for you?

With an SCU Service / Supports Coordinator, you:

  • direct your own life and your own care.
  • are able to live a healthy, safe, successful, meaningful life with inclusion and participation in your community.
  • have a personal connection with your coordinator who is dedicated to achieving the best outcome for you.
  • have more options for accessing services that you may not have known about.
  • have your services regularly monitored and evaluated to ensure that you are achieving your individualized, unique goals and your vision of a good life.


What our participants say about our coordinators ...

  • Valerie is an excellent service coordinator.  We have never had someone respond to our request as quickly as she does or as thoroughly as she does.
  • My coordinator is good and efficient.  I am very satisfied.
  • Kaytie is exceptional.  She set me on the right path for everything!
  • She is fantastic, kind, sweet and caring from the start.